Thursday, 12 November 2015

Lightweight Containers launches 10-liter one-way keg

New KeyKeg Slimline ready for new markets

Lightweight Containers launches 10-liter one-way keg

Den Helder/ Nurnberg, November 12, 2015. Lightweight Containers has launched its newest KeyKeg. This latest addition to the family, the KeyKeg 10 Slimline, holds 10 liters, thereby helping to meet the growing demand for smaller-volume kegs. Lightweight Containers expects that the keg’s 10-liter size will make it well suited for premium wines, beers, and specialty drinks. The KeyKeg 10 Slimline also has just what it takes to be attractive in the catering market.
The latest addition to the Slimline family offers the full range of KeyKeg technologies. The Bag-in-Ball™ technology keeps beverages good for weeks after tapping. The Double-Wall™ technology keeps the KeyKeg even safer; it can withstand higher pressures than most kegs and is highly stable in storage and transport. If desired, the KeyKeg can be delivered with either a newly designed carrier handle, or the familiar grip. Lightweight Containers has managed to limit the keg’s weight to just 0.82 kg. Its diameter is 240 mm and its height is 330 mm.
Total supply chain
“Our new KeyKeg was developed entirely in line with the latest demands from the market”, says Jan Veenendaal, CEO of Lightweight Containers: “We have thousands of customers in the beverage industry worldwide. Every day we talk with other parties in the supply chain as well, from beverage distributors to bars and restaurants. We want to know what is going on with them too. KeyKeg is important for their success, and our success is only guaranteed if all these parties are satisfied. Their feedback told us that the time is ripe for a 10-liter KeyKeg. This KeyKeg will also give our customers more growth opportunities.”
New markets
Its smaller volume combined with the Bag-in-Ball™ technology also makes the KeyKeg 10 Slimline extremely well suited to the catering market. Chief Commercial Officer Anita Veenendaal says, “We’re expecting that the new KeyKeg will be a popular choice for premium beers and wines, as well as specialty beverages, and RTD beverages.”  
The small 10-liter KeyKeg is also attractive for consumers. It is very simple to tap using a hand pump or portable dispensing installation. Another unique advantage of the KeyKeg is that it can be dispensed using air so there is no need for a complicated installation of CO2 bottles or cylinders. Beverages stay good for weeks after tapping so there’s no need to throw away what’s left after the party is over. The beverage in a KeyKeg can also be cooled – a normal refrigerator and a hand pump are all that’s needed. This new KeyKeg will help our customers continue to conquer the premium-beverage and catering markets.
The new KeyKeg can be produced on any Slimline production line. Lightweight Containers will start production in Q1 2016. The first KeyKeg 10 Slimlines will be made in the Netherlands. Lightweight Containers will build a new Slimline production facility in France in 2016.
Lightweight Containers
Robbert-Jan Knoppers
Koperslagersweg 4
1786RA Den Helder
0031 223 66 1088
Press contact:
Barbara Hott
Communication Harmonists
Poststraße 48
69115 Heidelberg
Tel 0049 6221 5860912
About Lightweight Containers
Lightweight Containers is well known for the one-way 20- and 30-liter KeyKeg® ( The family-owned company, market leader in high-quality one-way kegs, develops, produces and sells the KeyKeg® and guarantees the continuity and quality of the KeyKeg® concept. This revolutionary and successful one-way keg develops and leads the market for one-way kegs and comes in 10, 20- and 30-liter versions. Breweries, wineries and other beverage companies prefer and use KeyKegs all over the world, as it is especially suited for carbonated and still beverages. KeyKegs are currently sold to clients in more than 70 countries and are in use in nearly 180 countries. KeyKegs are produced in Germany, The Netherlands and the US. Lightweight Containers plans to build a new production line in France in 2016.

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